At Talento Group, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver top talent quickly and efficiently. Recently, we have demonstrated our speed to hire by successfully placing key roles across various industries in record time:

  • Senior HR Director at a manufacturer and supplier of timber products – filled in just 35 days
  • General Manager at a horticultural e-commerce business – filled in an impressive 11 days
  • Administrator for a finance and investment company – filled in only 21 days
  • Head of Procurement for a client in the energy sector – filled in 42 days

The True Cost of Hiring

According to a report on LinkedIn, the average time to hire in 2023 is about 44 days. For more senior roles, such as directors, the hiring process typically spans 4-8 months. Each day a crucial role remains vacant, your business incurs hidden costs such as decreased productivity, increased workload on existing staff, potential lost revenue, and missed opportunities for growth.

Speed to Hire Matters

For instance, while the industry average to fill a position is 44 days, we filled the Senior HR Director role in 35 days, well below the average. Our quick placement of a General Manager in a remarkable 11 days far surpasses industry standards. Similarly, our efficient placement of an Administrator in 21 days and a Head of Procurement in 42 days showcases our commitment to reducing the time and cost associated with hiring.

The Value of Expert Recruitment

Engaging with an expert recruiter like Talento Group might seem like an additional expense at first glance. However, consider this: every day that a key position goes unfilled, your business is losing money. The cumulative costs can far outweigh the investment in professional recruitment services.

By partnering with Talento Group, you leverage our extensive network, expertise, and proven processes to fill roles faster, ultimately saving your business money. We understand the urgency and importance of every hire, ensuring that you have the right person in place as quickly as possible.

Do You Know Your Average Time to Hire?

Do you know how long it takes your organisation to fill a position? Calculating your average time to hire can provide valuable insights into your hiring process and highlight areas for improvement.

To calculate your average time to hire:

  1. Track the number of days it takes from posting a job to the candidate accepting the offer.
  2. Sum the total number of days for all positions filled in a specific period.
  3. Divide by the number of roles filled to get the average time to hire.

In today’s competitive job market, speed to hire is more critical than ever. At Talento Group, we are dedicated to helping you streamline your hiring process and reduce time to hire, ensuring you have the right talent in place when you need it most. Let us help you save time and money, and keep your business moving forward.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve faster, more cost-effective hiring results.